For.Ma. Mantova

“Breaking Barriers with the insertion of Young People with intellectual disabilities in the working world of the 21ST century “ .

Breaking Barriers with the insertion of Young People with intellectual disabilities in the working world of the 21ST century “ .

2020 - 2022
PROJECT LEADER Zaragoza (Spain) Ramon y Cajal

Zagreb (Croatia ) - Srednja škola - Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje 
Satu Mare (Romania) - Liceul Tehnologic "Elisa Zamfirescu"
Mantova (Italy) Formazione Mantova - For.Ma

The main goal of our project is to exchange experiences of good practices among different educational centers in Europe, that work with young
people with mild intelligent disability and to achieve their insertion in the labour market in the companies of the 21th century.
As a result, in the future, we will be able to implement the different interesting methods, which turn out useful and convenient, in the different parts of Europe, so that the number of inserted students in the labour market can be increased.
This insertion provides these youngs with better self steam and allows them to have a satisfactory full life, so that they become fully fledge european citizens.
Our center has been fulfilling this task for 25 years and assumes the challenge of coordinating this project and, together with our partners, cope this
new period of improving our dynamics of work in every of the involved countries.

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1. stages of the project

2. pancarta.pdf

3. find out more about the project on etwinning

4. facebook page


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Via Gandolfo, 13 - 46100 Mantova

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