For.Ma. Mantova

“Breaking Barriers " - stages of the project

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At the beginning of the project, due to the emergency situation generated by Covid, it was not possible to perform any mobility. This is why the Spanish colleagues (from the school Institutio educacion secondaria Ramon y Cajal), as coordinator of the project, have organized a first day online to let the rest of us partners (Croatia, Italy and Romania) know their facilities, their school programs and their educational system.

Here is the link to the video about online training (made by our Spanish colleagues):

In October 2021 it was possible to start traveling again and then the Croatian team organized the first mobility in Zagreb.  The teachers of the group were hosted from 4 to 6 October at their school (Srednja Skola Centar za odgoi i obrazovanje) where they could see the facilities, teaching methodologies along with the students who attended the lessons. It was interesting because it was also possible to visit some companies where workers are young people with disabilities.
Here is the link to the video about firs mobility in Croatia (made by our Spanish colleagues):

In December 2021 we teachers met us in Zaragoza, Spain, where we were hosted by school Institutio educacion secondaria Ramon y Cajal, coordinator of our project. The presentations were focused on the facilities of the center, the projects on the Fellow Helpers and the Innovation Project, as well as visits to companies where  young disabled people carry out their internships.

Here is the link to the video about the second mobility in Spain (made by our Spanish Colleagues):

And here some photos made by Italian team:

IMG 0512  IMG 0514 IMG 0521 
IMG 0529     IMG 0589      IMG 0527

On 29th, 30th and 31st March we hosted our colleagues from Croatia, Romania and Spain here in Italy at our Vocational Training Centre (Formazione Mantova) and our  Bigattera Centre. On the first day (29th March) we organized a meeting with our director and teachers who follow students with disabilities. During the morning we made a visit in our classrooms and labs of hairdresser, aesthetic and kitchen, we had lunch together the meal cooked by the students of CFP and in the afternoon we did a guided tour of the city centre and Palazzo Te. The next day (30th March) we were in Bigattera to explain the method "learning by doing" and our many years of experience about social farm. During the morning we saw our greenhouses and field for horticulture and our cooking lab. After a lunch cooked by the students of Bigattera we listened to M. Fontana who explained the project "Welfare, school and territory". The last day (31st March) in Bigattera A. Tassini of the Province of Mantua and S. Botturi, our colleague of Castiglione delle Stiviere, explained to our guests the pubblic services available to people with disabilities to enter easier in the labor market. The last day ended with a good lunch at the Trattoria Isidora.
These were very rewarding days of sharing good practices to help people with disabilities for entry in the labor market.

Here some photos and video made by Italian team:

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